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Hi, I'm Brandi. I'm a wife, mother and follower of Jesus. 

I have a dream and desire to help women no matter what age or stage of life to unlock their fitness potential, find their confidence and to learn to truly love themselves. 

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My Story

I was always someone who struggled with body image and  with the ups and downs of weight loss and weight gain. A yo-yo dieter.  Trying every fad diet. Restricting carbs. Cutting sugar. Trying every workout that promised amazing results and feeling like I had to workout hours a day to get results because I had to be "skinny."  But I never found something that stuck. Something that I could maintain. And to be honest, I struggled to really like myself through it all. I felt like I had to look a certain way and if I didn't, then what good was I? The negative self talk was constant. Picking apart my body, the things I didn't like. The areas society said should look a certain way but didn't.  

In 2018 I was placed on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and the medication caused me to gain over 20 pounds.  Now for someone who already struggled with body image this rocked me. It was during that time, though, that I had a breakthrough.  I started to really learn to LOVE my body, no matter what it looked like.  I started to really discover what health looked like for me. It was then that I made a decision. I decided to change the way I thought about my body. I started to be proud of what my body could do instead of focusing on how it looked. I made a goal to move my body daily because it was HEALTHY for it, not because I had to burn calories (or make up for food that I had eaten). To eat foods that BLESSED and FUELED my body but never restricting things. To find balance. Now I still believe that exercise and good nutrition are important, but changing my mindset about WHY they are important  has been so freeing and rewarding. It made me want to help others find this freedom. 

My goal and my passion is to help women learn to truly love themselves, no matter what stage of life they are in. No matter what your body looks like. I am here to help you find your confidence. Not only to lead and guide you in proper exercise form and function. Not just to give you the tools in fitness but the tools to live life to the fullest. To realize that health and fitness are just one part of this journey of life.

You will not be perfect. There will be hills and there will be valleys. But I will be there to support, guide and cheer you on through each of them. I want to help you find your confidence and balance in your life and in your fitness journey. 

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